
By-Laws of the Maine Green Independent Party


Adopted on June 6, 1999 at the  Green Independent Party convention in Unity, Maine, and amended at conventions on May 20, 2000 in Bangor; on May 19, 2001 in Portland; on June 23, 2002 in Brunswick; on June 7,2003 in South China;  on April 18th,2004 in Lewiston; on June 25th, 2005 in Augusta; on May 19th,2006 in Portland; on May 19th, 2007 in Bangor; on May 18th,2008 in Yarmouth; on May 3, 2009 in Augusta; on May 1, 2010 in Greene; on May 1, 2011 in Brunswick; on May 6, 2012 in Portland; on May 5, 2013 in Belfast; Jan. 10, 2015 in Augusta Aug. 22, 2015 in Augusta, May 7, 2016 in Belfast, March 12, 2017 in Augusta, May 20, 2018 in Augusta, May 19, 2019 in Augusta, June 14, 2020 by Zoom conference and May 23, 2021 by Zoom confrerence..


10 Key Values


ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, social and economic justice, nonviolence, decentralization, community based economics, gender equity, respect for diversity, personal and social responsibility, sustainability and future focus


Article I. Purpose


The purpose of the Maine Green Independent Party is to transform public policy through the implementation of our 10 Key Values and be publicly visible as the party that stands for the common good.

The Maine Green Independent Party aims to enact laws consistent with our values, by legislating through citizen-initiated referendums, running candidates to elect lawmakers, influencing elected officials, producing activism that elevates awareness leading to policy changes, and other non-violent and legal means.


Article II. Members


Any Maine resident who is unable to register to vote and wishes to join, or voter who is enrolled in the Maine Green Independent Party (herein called “MGIP” or “the party”) is a member entitled to fully participate in all aspects of the party in accordance with these bylaws, except where prohibited by statute.

Lack of citizenship or an inability to register as a voter, whether due to age or other reasons, cannot preclude any interested person from joining the party.

The state committee secretary shall maintain an active list of voters who wish to join the party and are unable to formally enroll with the party.


Article III. Local and Caucus Groups


Members of the party meeting a minimum of four times annually shall be considered a local group of the party. The group officers may communicate local concerns, questions, proposals, etc. of the group to the state committee, as well as relay information from the state committee to the group.


Article III, Section A. County Committees


By statute, county committees shall be formed at conventions on even-numbered years from nominations made at municipal caucuses and the convention floor. The size of each county committee shall be determined by the convention unless a county committee has standing bylaws which have been submitted to the state committee, in which case the size of the county committee will be defined by its own bylaws so long as those bylaws provide for any municipal committee within the county to appoint at least one member to the county committee.

If at a convention, there are no nominees, or only one nominee to a county committee, then the state committee is authorized to appoint one or two members to that county committee at a later date, after which the members will constitute a duly formed county committee.


Once formed, the county committees may expand their size, fill vacancies and establish rules and bylaws as they see fit, providing that any municipal committee within the county may appoint at least one member to the county committee.


If it is deemed that a county committee's bylaws are constructed in such a way so that quorum may not be achieved or the county committee cannot meet or function, then any convention may intervene to reconstruct the county committee.


If a statute governing party county committees changes, and these bylaws are in contradiction to the statute, then the state committee shall schedule a convention to amend these bylaws to comply with the statute.


Article III, Section B. Municipal Committees


Municipal committees are formed from caucuses convened in accordance with statute, and shall be entitled to appoint at least one member to their respective county committee in accordance with state and county party rules and bylaws.


If a statute governing party municipal committees changes, and these bylaws are in contradiction to the statute, then the state committee shall schedule a convention to amend these bylaws to comply with the statute.


Article III, Section C. Access and Notice


Any municipal or county committee or otherwise qualifying local group may propose items to the state committee for consideration of action.


The state committee shall provide notice, agenda and minutes of its meetings to any municipal or county committee or other qualifying group. The state committee will keep the committees and groups informed of its actions and pose questions to them, via each group's officers or designated contacts who have email addresses.


Article IV. State Committee


The state committee is comprised of executive members, at-large members and one member from each qualifying county committee that chooses to seat a member on the state committee. An individual may hold only one of any of the county, at-large and executive seats on the state committee at any given time. The party shall aim for gender, racial, socioeconomic and geographic diversity among its leadership


Article IV, Section A. County Seats


By their own processes, county committees may choose one party member to be on the state committee, herein referred to as holding a “county seat” on the state committee. The county committee must provide to the state committee documentation verifying the election or appointment of a person to the county seat, either in minutes of a county committee meeting at which the state committee member was elected, or by written notice from an officer of the county committee that includes a citation of county committee minutes, bylaws or rules that authorize the state committee member to be appointed by other means.


Article IV, Section A, Part 1. Active Membership


State committee members holding a county seat on the state committee shall be considered active except as follows:


If three months have elapsed since a county committee met and that county committee has not submitted minutes of a subsequent meeting to the state committee, then that county's seat on the state committee shall be inactive until minutes of any subsequent meeting are submitted.


If a state committee member in a county seat is absent from a state committee meeting for three consecutive meetings, that county's seat shall be considered inactive until the member attends a meeting, or the county committee notifies the state party that another person occupies the seat and that person attends a meeting. The inactive status shall be applied at the commencement of the third consecutive meeting at which the member is not present for roll call. Inactive members will not be counted as part of the total from which quorum is determined.


Article IV, Section B. At-Large Seats


There are five at-large members of the state committee, elected at annual conventions for a term of one year. A year term is defined as the time between two consecutive annual conventions.


If any at-large member is absent from three consecutive meetings or five meetings in a one-year term, then the state committee shall consider whether to ask for the member's resignation, organize a special convention for their removal, or excuse the absences because of special circumstances.


Article IV, Section C. Executive Seats


The executives of the party shall consist of two co-chairs serving alternating two-year terms and a secretary and treasurer, also serving alternating two-year terms. For purposes of reporting to state and federal entities, the co-chair who is serving the second year of a term shall be considered the chair, and the co-chair who is in the first year of a term shall be considered a vice-chair; for all purposes within the party, co-chairs shall have equal authority.


Each year at an annual convention, members shall elect at least two executives (a co-chair and secretary or treasurer), and if necessary, an additional executive to finish a two-year term vacated by resignation, removal or death.


Together, these officers constitute the executive committee. The state committee may designate authority to the executive committee to act on behalf of the party; the specific authority granted must be recorded as an addendum to these by-laws titled “Executive Committee Authority.” Any decisions made by the executive committee under this authority shall be reported to the state committee.


If any executive is absent from three consecutive meetings or five meetings in a one-year term, then the state committee shall consider whether to ask for the executive's resignation, organize a special convention for their removal, or excuse the absences because of special circumstances.


Article IV, Section C, Part 1. Co-Chairs


The co-chairs shall represent the party's values, platform and positions to the public and media, organize and facilitate state committee meetings, and oversee and direct the state committee's fulfillment of duties.


The state committee may designate authority to the co-chairs to act on behalf of the party; the specific authority granted must be recorded as an addendum to these by-laws titled “Co-Chair Authority.” Any decisions by the two co-chairs must be made by consensus, and all decisions made under co-chair authority shall be reported to the state committee.


Article IV, Section C, Part 2. Secretary


The secretary shall be responsible for keeping party records and archives and advising the party on communication matters. The secretary shall record vote tallies of decisions made by the state committee and executive committee, or designate another to do so.


The secretary shall be responsible for maintaining records of party officers and reporting to the secretary of state when officer changes occur.


The secretary will keep records of the active or inactive statuses of state committee members as outlined in these bylaws, and compile and archive any minutes or bylaws of other party committees that have been submitted to the state committee in accordance with these bylaws. The secretary will work to make sure that all state party documents such as bylaws, the platform and other records are accurate and up-to-date.


The secretary may nominate individuals for state party offices or subcommittees relating to communication or record-keeping, including but not limited to positions related to website development, database management, media relations, correspondence, or maintenance of party records and archives.


Article IV, Section C, Part 3. Treasurer


The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping records of party finances including expenditures and revenue sources, reporting financial disclosures to state and federal entities as necessary, and advising the party on financial matters. The treasurer shall expend party finances only as authorized by the state committee or executive committee.


The treasurer shall ensure that expenditures are made in accordance with an approved budget, will inform the state committee when budget lines are nearing their maximum expenditure levels, and advise the state committee when it is necessary to amend the budget.


The treasurer may forward nominations for any state party offices or subcommittees relating to finances, including but not limited to positions related to budget development and fundraising.


The treasurer may nominate a financial officer for appointment by the state committee, to help the treasurer fulfill the financial requirements of these bylaws.


The treasurer shall oversee the development of a budget to be proposed for approval at the annual convention. The state committee may finalize the proposed budget or authorize the treasurer or a standing subcommittee to finalize the proposed budget.


Article IV, Section D. Duties


The state committee will manage all state-level party operations and facilitate the establishment and growth of local groups to oversee party operations in their jurisdictions.


Duties of the state committee include:


Assuring the party meets its statutory obligations to hold caucuses and conventions, maintain a minimum level of party enrollment, and fulfill all other statutory requirements,


Filing state and federal reports,


Organizing conventions and working to achieve goals set at conventions,


Recruiting candidates for state and national offices and supporting local group recruitment of candidates in county, municipal and other jurisdictions,


Maintaining a visible statewide presence, acting as the official voice of the party and taking timely positions on important issues,


Communicating and engaging with local groups about state party meetings and activities,


Administering state party assets including the party's website and state voter list,


Managing state party finances and overseeing state party fundraising efforts, and


Establishing offices and subcommittees to help the state committee fulfill all duties, and oversee the fulfillment of duties by the executive officers..


Article IV, Section E. Meetings


Quorum for a state committee meeting shall be either a majority of all active state committee members or a majority of the state committee members (excluding vacant seats) that comprise the executive and at-large seats.


The state committee shall meet at its discretion, but at a minimum of once every two months, and shall provide notice to all municipal, county and local groups of its meetings as outlined in Article III, Section C.


State committee meetings shall be open to party members. For phone conference meetings, party members may notify the state committee of their interest in attending and they will be provided with the phone number and access code for the conference call.


If the co-chairs fail to organize a state committee meeting, a majority of active state committee members may schedule a meeting as long as all active state committee members have been notified and appropriate notice has been provided to local groups as outlined in Article III, Section C.


Article IV, Section F. Process


The state committee may adopt rules and procedures to meet its obligations to the party. The state committee shall develop and adopt a decision-making process that is consensus-seeking, and make it a formal part of its proceedings. The state committee may change its process at any time but only in accordance with the process in place at that time. All rules and procedures established by the state committee must be recorded as an addendum to these by-laws titled “State Committee Rules.”


Article IV, Section G. Resignation, Removal and Replacement


Any state committee member may resign at any time by giving written notice to a party co-chair.


County committees are responsible for filling vacancies in their respective county seats to the state committee and for the selection and removal of those members.


Any at-large or executive member whose term has not expired, or who has not been removed for excessive absences as outlined in these bylaws, may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the state committee upon recommendation from the ethics committee to remove as outlined in Article IV Section H, or by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a party convention as outlined in Article V of these bylaws.


The state committee may appoint replacements for executive or at-large committee members to serve until either the term expires or a convention intervenes before the term expires, at which point the convention shall elect a replacement for the remainder of the term.


Article IV, Section H. Officers and Subcommittees


The state committee may appoint officers with specific duties to help achieve the party's goals and fulfill the state committee's duties. The state committee shall maintain job descriptions and duties of its officers in an addendum to these by-laws titled, “Officers.”


The state committee shall oversee the establishment and dissolution of state party subcommittees to help execute the goals of the party and duties of the state committee. The state committee shall define the purpose of each subcommittee. The state committee may also designate authority to its subcommittees to act on behalf of the party. All subcommittees, including their purpose, membership and the authority granted to them, shall be recorded as an addendum to these by-laws titled, “Subcommittees.” The state committee holds ultimate decision-making authority over all subcommittees.


The state committee will establish and maintain an ethics committee that amplifies and centers the voices of marginalized communities. The ethics committee will hold state committee members to standards of conduct and accountability established by the state committee. The ethics committee may recommend actions to the state committee, including moderation, censure, suspension or removal of members in accordance with established accountability standards.


Article IV, Section I. GPUS national committee appointments

The state committee may appoint members to the various national committees of the
Green Party of the United States, in accordance with national requirements for


Each committee appointment shall be communicated in writing by the party co-chair
or secretary to the secretary of the Green Party of the United States and relevant
national committee co-chairs.


Article V. Conventions


The party shall hold an annual convention, as specified under statute, for the purpose of:


Fulfilling the biennial statutory requirements for conventions (in even-numbered years) including passing a party platform, determining the size and method of election of the party's two congressional district committees and county committees, electing members to county committees that don't have standing bylaws allowing for county committee members to be directly elected by municipal caucuses, and nominating presidential electors during presidential election years.


Electing state committee members as outlined in these bylaws, and MGIP representatives to the Green Party of the United States, with executives being elected before at-large members (to accurately determine the total number of at-large seats available),


Setting the goals of the party, which shall be included as an addendum to these bylaws, titled, “Goals,”


Amending bylaws, and


Adopting an annual budget.


The convention will only be open to voting participation by members of the party as defined in Article II. Notice of the convention must be provided to local groups in the same manner as notice is provided for state committee meetings.


The Maine Green Independent Party shall determine at its annual convention in odd-numbered years which voters shall be allowed to vote in the party's annual even-numbered year primary. A simple majority of votes shall determine which voters shall be eligible to vote in the Green Independent Party primary.


Representatives to the International Committee of the Green Party of the United States will
be elected annually at the state party convention for one-year terms, except that the state
committee may appoint members to fill a vacancy until the next convention can elect a


The state committee may establish rules for conducting the convention, which must be included as an addendum to these bylaws titled, “Convention Rules,” so long as the rules don't contradict these bylaws.


Article V, Section A. Special Conventions


The state committee may call and organize special conventions as it deems necessary to accomplish specific purposes. The business of special conventions shall be restricted to agenda items of which the state committee has notified local groups as being the purpose of the convention. A special convention may be called for the purpose of holding a recall hearing to remove members of the state committee, to address statutory obligations that were overlooked at a previous convention, or to conduct any other business which requires convention action. All rules for calling a convention and the decision-making processes used at conventions also apply to special conventions.


Article VI. Platform


The party shall adopt a platform based on the 10 Key Values that clearly defines the party's position on issues facing our society and the world. The platform will be a guide for elected officials and other party members engaged in public policy making.


Near the end of each year term, the state committee shall review and compile position statements it made in the prior year, and consider submitting to the convention platform positions that reflect the positions taken by the state committee.


Any member or local group may propose amendments to the platform or a new platform by presenting such proposal in writing to a platform and policy development subcommittee at least one month prior to a statewide convention. If there is no standing subcommittee, the member may refer the proposal in writing to the state committee.


Article VII. Finances


The Party will adopt an annual budget, including anticipated expenses and sources of revenue. The budget may be amended by the state committee in response to changing financial circumstances. The party may not incur debt of any kind. The financial officer and treasurer are responsible for overseeing the finances of the party and making regular reports to the state committee, and for submitting financial reports to the appropriate state or federal agencies, including but not limited to the Maine State Ethics Commission and the Federal Elections Commission.


If the state committee authorizes expenditures that are not budgeted for, then the treasurer may require the state committee to first amend the budget to reflect where the expenditure will come from before releasing funds for said expenditure.


Article VIII. Presidential Nomination


At each officially convened caucus in presidential nomination years, attendees shall be asked to conduct a vote which will be tabulated and returned to the state committee. Existing municipal committees may organize absentee voting for their caucuses which shall conclude at the adjournment of the caucus. The result of the caucus vote must include the names of all voters who cast a vote for the presidential nomination, the total of which shall equal the number of votes cast; otherwise, the state committee will make a determination on whether to include the votes.


These votes shall be tabulated and publicized at least 30 days prior to the state convention. Attendees of the state convention shall also vote and these votes shall be tabulated. The state committee may organize absentee voting for party members who did not vote in a caucus and don't plan to attend the convention. The apportionment of delegates to the presidential nominating convention of the Green Party of the United States shall be determined by the combined votes of officially convened caucuses and the presidential year convention.


The party shall place the official presidential nominee of the Green Party of the United States on the general election ballot of the State of Maine.


Four people, one from each congressional district and two at-large, all of whom are party members, shall be elected at a convention to be presidential electors. If a statute governing how Maine designates its presidential electors changes, and these bylaws are in contradiction with the statute, then the state committee shall schedule a convention to amend these bylaws to comply with the statute.


Article IX. Bylaws


These by-laws may only be adopted or amended by a majority of members present at a statewide convention of the party. Amendments must be submitted to a bylaws subcommittee at least one month prior to the statewide convention, and may be proposed by any member or local group of the party. If there is no standing subcommittee, the proposal may be referred in writing to the state committee.




Addendum 1. Executive Committee Authority


May amend the budget to increase expenditure lines by up to $500. (approved 4/4/15 as part of finance committee charter)


On behalf of the state committee, the executive committee may appoint one or two members as necessary to form county committees, as allowed for in Article III, Sectioni A. (approved 3/5/18)


Addendum 2. Co-Chair Authority


Co-chairs may appoint liaisons, representatives and spokespersons to represent the party at events and organizations. Co-chairs may issue party endorsements of organizations, campaigns, events, actions and legislation, so long as the endorsement is consistent with the party's values and positions. When reporting the endorsement to the state committee, the co-chairs must cite a party platform, position or value that is the basis of the endorsement. (approved 4/7/18)


Addendum 3. State Committee Rules


(approved 4/7/19)


Conduct of state committee meetings


The co-chairs shall facilitate meetings of the state committee or designate a facilitator.

All motions require a second.

The committee shall strive for consensus in its decisions. If consensus is apparent, the facilitators may close discussion and call the question by asking if there is an objection. If no objection is stated, consensus is achieved.

Members objecting must state what conditions, if any, would result in them removing their objection.

Objecting members may 'stand aside,' in which case their objection may be noted in the minutes, but the motion is still approved by consensus.

If objections cannot be resolved, or members objecting do not wish to stand aside, the committee may decide the motion by majority vote.

For each motion, report or agenda item, facilitators will keep a 'stack' of participants wishing to speak in order. Participants who have not yet spoken are given priority to speak ahead of members who are on stack for a repeat turn; members who have had fewer turns speaking are given priority ahead of members who have had more turns.

Meeting participants must be recognized by a facilitator to speak, except that they may briefly request to be put on a stack for a turn to speak, or to request making a 'point of information' out of order that must be very brief. Points of information should be factual points to clarify a subject and with the intention of reducing subsequent unnecessary discussion resulting from misinformation, not a statement of opinion, which should instead be reserved for a turn to speak on the stack.

Facilitators recognize and confirm requests to be placed on the stack. Facilitators will decide when to recognize and allow point of information statements.

Facilitators may interrupt speakers to require that a speaker remain on topic, to acknowledge a request to be on stack, or for other procedural purposes. Participants accept that interruption by facilitators is necessary to keep the meeting moving, and should pause to let the facilitator speak when interrupted.

Speakers recognized by a facilitator are considered to 'have the floor' until they return the floor to a facilitator, or until a facilitator interrupts them. After a facilitator interrupts a speaker for procedural reasons, they will return the floor to that speaker.

Participants should not interrupt other speaking members except to make stack or point of information requests through the facilitators. Participants should refrain from making continued responses to speakers' statements and should reserve their responses for their next turn on the stack. Participants should refrain from excessive uses of points of information that disrupt a speaker's turn on the floor.

Speakers must remain on topic to the motion, report or agenda item under discussion

When speakers have the floor, they may request permission from the facilitator to address a question to another person without losing their time to speak. If the facilitator determines that the question can be quickly and briefly answered, the facilitator will address the question to the other member for an answer and then return the floor to the original speaker.

Participants should indicate to the facilitator when they are done speaking their turn.

Facilitators may adjust the order of agenda items as needed.

If necessary to keep the meeting moving, facilitators may impose time limits on participants' turns to speak. When time limits are in effect, members may yield their time to another participant.


Online voting


There are three steps to conducting online votes of the state committee: Call for Quorum, Quorum Established, and Call for Vote.

With consensus of both co-chairs, an online vote may be initiated by emailing committee members with a subject title "Call for quorum to vote," requesting members to check in to the meeting, and stating the motion that will be up for a vote.

After members have replied confirming their attendance and a quorum of all committee members is established, a co-chair or secretary will send an email to members with a new subject title, "Quorum established to vote."

Co-chairs shall facilitate trying to resolve stated objections or amendments of the motion.

When a co-chair determines that enough discussion on the motion has transpired to call the vote, an email will be sent with a subject title "Call for a vote," requesting a vote and stating the final motion to be voted on.

Any decisions made by email must be reported by the co-chairs at the next regular state committee meeting for inclusion in that meeting's minutes.


Subcommittee rules


The co-chairs shall be considered ex-officio members of all subcommittees of the state committee. The co-chairs, as ex-officio members, are not part of the total membership from which quorum for meetings is calculated, but may count toward quorum when attending. When leaving the position of co-chair, the person may retain their membership on any subcommittees they choose, but as a regular member, no longer ex-officio.


Resignations of state committee members or officers shall be considered final upon a vote by the state committee to accept the resignation or appoint a replacement for the position, whichever comes first.  (approved 3/5/21)


Addendum 4. Officers (job description, duties)


Financial Officer, Alan Brown  (approved 6/2/19)


The financial officer shall assist the treasurer in his or her duties, at the direction of the treasurer. The financial officer may help prepare finance reports, process contributions and payments, and organize meetings of the finance committee, as needed and requested by the treasurer. The financial officer may be a named person on the party's banking accounts. In the case of an emergency or inability of the treasurer to fulfill his or her duties, the financial officer may be considered an interim acting treasurer to fulfill all duties of the treasurer except for voting on behalf of the treasurer at state committee meetings.


Addendum 5. Subcommittees (purpose, membership, authority)


(Please click on ORGANIZATION-->STATE COMMITTEE-->SUBCOMMITTEES to view this addendum)


Addenda 6. Goals


(Please click on ABOUT-->GOALS)


Addenda 7. Convention Rules




Convention proceedings begin by electing first a convention secretary, then a convention chairperson.

The convention secretary will record all official decisions of the convention.
The convention chairperson and two party co-chairs are convention facilitators.

The convention committee may establish other convention officer positions as it deems fit. These other officers may be appointed by the committee in advance of the convention or appointed by the facilitators at the convention.

A time keeper will keep facilitators informed of time apportionment limits. 



Facilitators oversee a process aiming for consensus on all decisions of the convention. If consensus cannot be realized within reasonable time, facilitators may call for the decision to be made by majority vote.

All motions for a decision require a second, except for motions made by the facilitator 'without objection.'

A facilitator will not facilitate an election of officers when that person is a candidate for the office being elected.

Facilitators will recognize speakers as equitably as possible to allow all people who want to speak an opportunity to do so.

Facilitators may institute time limits for speaking when necessary.



Elections that are uncontested may be decided by consensus or majority vote indicated by vocal expression or show of hands.

Contested elections are determined by paper or online write-in ballot.

Elections for one position shall be determined by majority vote using ranked choice or runoff voting when necessary.

Elections with multiple candidates running for multiple seats shall be determined by ranked or runoff approval voting. Each vote for a candidate regardless of rank is an equal vote; candidates with the most total votes are elected to the number of positions open. When a tie exists for a remaining position, rank or runoff determines the winner.

A ballot-counting committee may be appointed by the convention committee or the facilitators. Any participant of the convention may observe the counting of ballots.

If a person is unable to cast their votes using an online voting program, their vote may be counted by submitting their vote to a member of the ballot counting committee, who will then inform the facilitator to add the vote(s) to the online vote total.

