
It doesn't grow on trees, but it goes a long way to help us protect the trees, water, air and people.


Since we only accept contributions from people (sorry, corporations), your contribution helps support Green issues, and candidates and elected officials that fight for them.


It may not grown on trees, but your donation will help us keep the trees growing.


Thank you.


-Maine Greens/Maine Green Independent Party


To donate by check, please mail to:



PO Box 10345

Portland ME 04104


To donate online, you may enter in a custom amount here, or use the convention registration form below to donate pre-set amounts. Either method will work to register for our convention or to make a general contribution.


$5 - Seed

$10 - Sprout

$25 - Seedling

$50 - Sapling

$100 - Mature Tree

$500 - Old-growth Forest

$1000 - Tropical Rainforest

Convention Registration Donation