The Maine Green Independent Party (MGIP) was founded in 1984, six months before the establishment of a national Green Party -- the first and oldest state Green party in the United States of America, and home of John Rensenbrink, principal founder of what is now the Green Party of the United States (GPUS).
Browse our site, explore our history, platform, issues, elected officeholders, candidates, organization and goals for your future.
2024 Convention
2024 Convention Welcome and Information Center
The purpose of the Maine Green Independent Party is to transform public policy
through the implementation of our 10 Key Values and be publicly visible as the
party that stands for the common good.
Welcome to the Maine Green Independent Party 2024 Annual Convention Welcome Center!
Our annual convention of the Maine Green Independent Party will be held Sunday May 5th in person in Augusta.
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1105756520741923
Table of Contents
Convention Rules / Convention Officers
State Committee/Officer Elections
This year's convention will be held on Sunday, May 5
Only enrolled Maine Green Independents and our invited speakers may participate in the convention or be recognized for the floor.
Maine Green Independent Party 2024 Annual Convention:
To register:
Please donate a convention registration fee if you can afford to, at 2024 Convention Registration Donation (mainegreens.org).
Checks may also be mailed to Maine Green Independent Party, PO Box 10345, Portland, ME 04104.
The recommended donation is $20, but any amounts are accepted. Nobody will be denied registration for inability to pay.
Our annual convention accounts for the largest portion of our budget and your genorosity to help fund the party is appreciated.
Convention proceedings begin by electing first a convention secretary, then a convention chairperson.
The convention secretary will record all official decisions of the convention.
The convention chairperson and two party co-chairs are convention facilitators.
The convention committee may establish other convention officer positions as it deems fit. These other officers may be appointed by the committee in advance of the convention or appointed by the facilitators at the convention.
A time keeper will keep facilitators informed of time apportionment limits.
Facilitators oversee a process aiming for consensus on all decisions of the convention. If consensus cannot be realized within reasonable time, facilitators may call for the decision to be made by majority vote.
All motions for a decision require a second, except for motions made by the facilitator 'without objection.'
A facilitator will not facilitate an election of officers when that person is a candidate for the office being elected.
Facilitators will recognize speakers as equitably as possible to allow all people who want to speak an opportunity to do so.
Facilitators may institute time limits for speaking when necessary.
Elections that are uncontested may be decided by consensus or majority vote indicated by vocal expression or show of hands.
Contested elections are determined by paper or online write-in ballot.
Elections for one position shall be determined by majority vote using ranked choice or runoff voting when necessary.
Elections with multiple candidates running for multiple seats shall be determined by ranked or runoff approval voting. Each vote for a candidate regardless of rank is an equal vote; candidates with the most total votes are elected to the number of positions open. When a tie exists for a remaining position, rank or runoff determines the winner.
A ballot-counting committee may be appointed by the convention committee or the facilitators. Any participant of the convention may observe the counting of ballots.
If a person is unable to cast their votes using an online voting program, their vote may be counted by submitting their vote to a member of the ballot counting committee, who will then inform the facilitator to add the vote(s) to the online vote total.
The state committee is forwarding the following goals proposal to the convention for approval:
The goals of the Maine Green Independent Party for 2024-2025 shall be to:
More information on the duties of the state committee and its officers may be found in Article IV, Sections B-D of the state party bylaws: https://mainegreens.org/organization/bylaws
This year, we are electing a co-chair, treasurer and five at-large state committee members.
Article IV, Section C, Part 1. Co-Chairs
The co-chairs shall represent the party's values, platform and positions to the public and media, organize and facilitate state committee meetings, and oversee and direct the state committee's fulfillment of duties.
Article IV, Section B. At-Large Seats
There are five at-large members of the state committee, elected at annual conventions for a term of one year. A year term is defined as the time between two consecutive annual conventions.
Article IV State Committee, Section D. Duties
The state committee will manage all state-level party operations and facilitate the establishment and growth of local groups to oversee party operations in their jurisdictions.
Duties of the state committee include:
Assuring the party meets its statutory obligations to hold caucuses and conventions, maintain a minimum level of party enrollment, and fulfill all other statutory requirements,
Filing state and federal reports,
Organizing conventions and working to achieve goals set at conventions,
Recruiting candidates for state and national offices and supporting local group recruitment of candidates in county, municipal and other jurisdictions,
Maintaining a visible statewide presence, acting as the official voice of the party and taking timely positions on important issues,
Communicating and engaging with local groups about state party meetings and activities,
Administering state party assets including the party's website and state voter list,
Managing state party finances and overseeing state party fundraising efforts, and
Establishing offices and subcommittees to help the state committee fulfill all duties, and oversee the fulfillment of duties by the executive officers.
Maine Green Independent Party Statement in Support of Ceasefire in Gaza
Maine Green Independent Party Statement in Support of Ceasefire in Gaza
January 17, 2025
We, the Maine Green Independent Party, are steadfast in our solidarity with the Palestinian people and remain vigilant, counting the hours until the anticipated ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas goes into place this Sunday, the 19th of January.
In addition to an end to genocide, we continue to demand an end to ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and occupation. For without it, there can be no justice, nor lasting peace. Inherent in these demands is the recognition of Palestinians’ right to self-determination.
Further, Israel must provide restorative justice to the Palestinian people, whose neighborhoods, homes, hospitals, educational and religious institutions have been obliterated, whose olive groves have been razed and whose lands have been desecrated by the environmental fallout from the equivalent of 6 Hiroshima bombs that have been levied against Gaza over the past 15 months.
We view the 6-week temporary ceasefire, slated to be instituted on the last day of the current US Administration, as a shameful attempt to rewrite history; but we will not forget who is responsible. We urge the world to bring the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu and his cohorts before the International Court of Justice to be tried for Crimes against Humanity.
We recognize that Israel’s crimes were aided and abetted by the Biden Administration, in providing Billions in weapons of war which are still being used by Israel to annihilate men, women, and children abroad, while further impoverishing the American people at home, who struggle to get their most basic needs met.
We also want to take this moment to recognize the complexity of emotions that are being experienced by the people of Gaza, who remain under siege, with 80 martyred these last 24 hours alone. We grieve with the Palestinian people for so much incomprehensible loss, and will continue in the struggle for liberation.
We will not stop. We will not rest. Free Palestine.
Support for Wabanaki Alliance legislation
- Contact your state representative and state senator. Don't know who they are? Find it in the LD 2007 Toolkit at https://www.wabanakialliance.com/ld-2007-legislators/.
- Submit a letter to the editor or op-ed. See https://www.wabanakialliance.com/lteguide/.
- If you use social media, consider posting your testimony and encourage others to contact their legislators in support of LD 2007.