2022 Convention

 2022 Convention Welcome and Information Center

 nature banner

The purpose of the Maine Green Independent Party is to transform public policy
through the implementation of our 10 Key Values and be publicly visible as the

party that stands for the common good.



Welcome to the Maine Green Independent Party 2022 Annual Convention Welcome Center!


Our annual convention of the Maine Green Independent Party will be held Saturday June 4th as an online event using Zoom.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We previously publicized a "Save the Date" with a weekend-long convention. ALL business will be done Saturday, June 4. There will be NO convention events Friday or Sunday, as previously publicized. 
Pat LaMarche
Lisa Savage
Meg Osgood
Betsy Garrold
Saturday, June 4 -- 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM, 

 Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/2zRyD9reK



Table of Contents



Entry Fee


Convention Program

Convention Rules / Convention Officers / Guidelines on Zoom Chat 

Party Budget

Set Party Goals

Platform Proposal

State Committee/Officer Elections


This will serve as the convention packet of materials registrants would normally receive at the registration table at an in-person convention.



This year's convention will be held on Saturday, June 4.  

Only enrolled Maine Green Independents and our invited speakers may register for the convention. 

WHEN REGISTERING FOR CONVENTION: Please use your legal name and address where you are registered to vote!

PLEASE ALLOW FOR UP TO 48 HOURS FOR US TO MANUALLY CONFIRM YOUR REGISTRATION. When confirmed, ,you will receive an email with the meeting link.



Maine Green Independent Party 2022 Annual Convention: Saturday, June 4 -- 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM

To registerhttps://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpduqpqDspHt1SKmU0PPd6Vd_2dJ8CcV74

Because our convention is only open to participation by enrolled Maine Green Independents, there may be a delay in processing registrations while we confirm each registrant's enrollment status. Last minute registrations may be denied if we are unable to confirm enrollment status with the voter lists available to us. We encourage members to register immediately, even if they are still uncertain whether they can attend.



Please donate a convention registration fee if you can afford to, at 2022 Convention Registration Donation (mainegreens.org). Checks may also be mailed to Maine Green Independent Party, PO Box 10345, Portland, ME 04104.

The recommended donation is $20, but any amounts are accepted. Nobody will be denied registration for inability to pay.

Our annual convention accounts for the largest portion of our budget and your genorosity to help fund the party is appreciated.



The first thing you will want to do to prepare for the business convention is to locate two emails that were sent to you at some point after you registered for the convention.

One email has your unique registration information for the Zoom conference, which was sent in a subject line titled "Maine Green Independent Party 2022 Annual Convention Confirmation."
The second email contains your unique registration information for Direct Vote Live, with a subject line titled "MGIP Convention Ballots - Do Not Forward."

Both emails will be sent again on the morning of June 4 at about 8 a.m. so that the information will be fresh in your inbox.

We recommend that you first login to DirectVote Live and have your browser save the password, so that if you are logged out do to inactivity, it will be easy to log back in with a saved password.

Keep the DirectVote tab open and readily available in your browser. When necessary to vote in an election or on certain proposals, we will all be taking a few moments to go into DirectVote Live and cast our votes.

If you keep the tab available and open, so that you do not have to search for the link in your email again, the voting will be seemless and easy.

Once you have DirectVote Live set up in a browser tab, proceed to login to the Zoom conference using the unique registration information sent to you. When entering the convention, the name you entered on your registration form will be the name that is displayed during the convention.
Registrants will find themselves in a waiting room and will be allowed into the convention starting at 10:30 a.m.


The chat board, which can be found by clicking a button titled "chat" on the Zoom screen, is where members will be communicting, socializing and providing guidance to each other on the peculiarities of using Zoom. Feel free to introduce yourself or ask any questions you may have about today's convention.




[PLEASE NOTE: Times may shift during the course of the day. Agenda items may begin earlier or later than scheduled, depending on the convention's pace. If interested in a certain topic, be present well in advance in case it is taken up earlier than scheduled]
10:30 Registration
10:55 Land Acknowledgment by Jake Kulaw
11:00 Welcome/Introduction/State of the Party by co-chair Gil Harris
11:15 Nominate/Elect convention secretary (1st), convention chair (2nd) 
11:30 Convention Rules and Officers / Zoom Tutorial and Chat Guidelines
11:35 Approve Party Budget presented by Treasurer Allen Cooke
11:50 Set Party Goals
12:05 Speaker: Betsy Garrold -- Candidate for State Representative, House District 38
12:15 Speaker: Meg Osgood -- Greens Giving Back
12:30 Pass Platform
1:00  Green of the Year Award
1:15 Pat LaMarche Gives Hall of Fame Award
1:45  Keynote Speaker: Lisa Savage
2:00 Elect Party Co-Chair

2:10 Elect Party Treasurer

2:20 Elect 5 At-Large State Committee Members

2:50  Elect Representatives to national and international party committees. Report on openings on various Green Party of the United States subcommittees.
3:10  Elect County and District Committees/ County Committees to meet in breakout rooms
4:20 Closing remarks from co-chair Linnea Maravell
4:30  Adjournment






Convention proceedings begin by electing first a convention secretary, then a convention chairperson.

The convention secretary will record all official decisions of the convention.
The convention chairperson and two party co-chairs are convention facilitators.

The convention committee may establish other convention officer positions as it deems fit. These other officers may be appointed by the committee in advance of the convention or appointed by the facilitators at the convention.

A time keeper will keep facilitators informed of time apportionment limits. 



Facilitators oversee a process aiming for consensus on all decisions of the convention. If consensus cannot be realized within reasonable time, facilitators may call for the decision to be made by majority vote.

All motions for a decision require a second, except for motions made by the facilitator 'without objection.'

A facilitator will not facilitate an election of officers when that person is a candidate for the office being elected.

Facilitators will recognize speakers as equitably as possible to allow all people who want to speak an opportunity to do so.

Facilitators may institute time limits for speaking when necessary.



Elections that are uncontested may be decided by consensus or majority vote indicated by vocal expression or show of hands.

Contested elections are determined by paper or online write-in ballot.

Elections for one position shall be determined by majority vote using ranked choice or runoff voting when necessary.

Elections with multiple candidates running for multiple seats shall be determined by ranked or runoff approval voting. Each vote for a candidate regardless of rank is an equal vote; candidates with the most total votes are elected to the number of positions open. When a tie exists for a remaining position, rank or runoff determines the winner.

A ballot-counting committee may be appointed by the convention committee or the facilitators. Any participant of the convention may observe the counting of ballots.

If a person is unable to cast their votes using an online voting program, their vote may be counted by submitting their vote to a member of the ballot counting committee, who will then inform the facilitator to add the vote(s) to the online vote total.

Technical facilitators (Jake Kulaw, Alan Brown, Fred McCann): The technical facilitator will scan the video conference chat room and participant symbols for indicators of members wishing to be placed on stack and will communicate to convention facilitators at will and as needed of such requests. The technical facilitator may also monitor the chat and inform people if their comments are loff topic or inappropriate. The technical facilitator will mute or unmute participants, enable or disable chat rooms, and perform other technical actions as necessary at the request of convention facilitators. 
Parliamentarian (Benjamin Meiklejohn): The parliamentarian will provide guidance and direction to convention facilitators on parliamentary process related to convention rules or when relevant, bylaws. 
  1. Right to disable. Convention facilitators reserve the right to disable the chat room at any time should conversation in the forum become disruptive or distracting.
  2. Stay on topic. Members are asked to use the public chat room only to discuss agenda items that are currently in process. Members may interact with each other privately but use of the public chat room should be restricted to commentary directly related to the agenda subject at hand. Members are welcome to debate and discuss the issue at hand in the chat room as much as they wish instead of requesting the floor, or if they have exhausted their available time on the floor. Just stick to the topic please!
  3. Community Guidelines. Our community guidelines apply to the chat room--be respectful and kind! Offensive/insulting commentary not welcome!
  4. Warnings. Facilitators may notify members if they are participating in the chat room inconsistent with these guidelines. Please respect and heed warnings by facilitators. Continued refusal to abide by these guidelines may result in removal from the chat room and/or convention.
The budget will be displayed and presented to attendees during the convention.


The state committee will forward a proposal for goals to be approved by the convention. The state committee's proposed goals are as follows:


1. Rebuild and support municipal and county party infrastructure by increasing the number and activity of municipal and county committees.

2. Increase candidate recruitment efforts, with a target to increase the number of candidates for municipal or state office in every county.

3. Expand signature eligibility requirements for Maine Green Independent candidates, through legislative or legal actions.

4. Pursue utilizing ranked choice voting in all elections in Maine.




 The state committee has taken several political positions in the time since the party passed the 2020 platform. The state committee proposes adding the following three amendments to complete our 2022 platform:


Under Education plank:

[The MGIP is committed to ....]


Opposing legisltation that bans transgender students from participating in interscholastic sports in Maine's public schools and universities, including intramural sports.


Under Energy plank:
[The MGIP will pursue...]

Development of publicly-owned infrastructure for energy delivery.


Under Agriculture plank:
[To that end we propose...]

Supporting and defending Maine's constitutional right to food.



More information on the duties of the state committee and its officers may be found in Article IV, Sections B-D of the state party bylaws: https://mainegreens.org/organization/bylaws


Article IV, Section C, Part 1. Co-Chairs

The co-chairs shall represent the party's values, platform and positions to the public and media, organize and facilitate state committee meetings, and oversee and direct the state committee's fulfillment of duties.


Article IV, Section C, Part 3. Treasurer

The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping records of party finances including expenditures and revenue sources, reporting financial disclosures to state and federal entities as necessary, and advising the party on financial matters. The treasurer shall expend party finances only as authorized by the state committee or executive committee.

The treasurer shall ensure that expenditures are made in accordance with an approved budget, will inform the state committee when budget lines are nearing their maximum expenditure levels, and advise the state committee when it is necessary to amend the budget.

The treasurer may forward nominations for any state party offices or subcommittees relating to finances, including but not limited to positions related to budget development and fundraising.

The treasurer may nominate a financial officer for appointment by the state committee, to help the treasurer fulfill the financial requirements of these bylaws.

The treasurer shall oversee the development of a budget to be proposed for approval at the annual convention. The state committee may finalize the proposed budget or authorize the treasurer or a standing subcommittee to finalize the proposed budget.


Article IV State Committee, Section D. Duties

The state committee will manage all state-level party operations and facilitate the establishment and growth of local groups to oversee party operations in their jurisdictions.

Duties of the state committee include:

Assuring the party meets its statutory obligations to hold caucuses and conventions, maintain a minimum level of party enrollment, and fulfill all other statutory requirements,

Filing state and federal reports,

Organizing conventions and working to achieve goals set at conventions,

Recruiting candidates for state and national offices and supporting local group recruitment of candidates in county, municipal and other jurisdictions,

Maintaining a visible statewide presence, acting as the official voice of the party and taking timely positions on important issues,

Communicating and engaging with local groups about state party meetings and activities,

Administering state party assets including the party's website and state voter list,

Managing state party finances and overseeing state party fundraising efforts, and

Establishing offices and subcommittees to help the state committee fulfill all duties, and oversee the fulfillment of duties by the executive officers.




