
Statement in support of protests occurring on May 6th and 20th in Maine

U.S. proxy war in Ukraine against Russia - $120 billion so far - No War with China




May 1st, 2023


The Maine Green Independent Party is deeply concerned about the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has caused immense suffering and devastation. We urge all parties to stop the continuing escalation of hostilities and to seek a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict.


We are also alarmed by the rising tensions between the U.S. and China over various issues, such as Taiwan, the South China Sea, human rights, trade, and technology. We believe that a war would be disastrous for humanity and the planet, and would threaten the security and stability of the entire world. We believe that peace is possible and necessary, and that war is not inevitable or acceptable.


We stand in solidarity with all those who work for peace and justice, and who oppose violence and aggression.



Lyn Maravell, MGIP Co-Chair

Fred McCann, MGIP Co-Chair
